Another Sunday is upon us, which means that another week is right around the corner. I hope everyone had a great week and a wonderful weekend.I know a lot of people have been getting sick (sorry Smiths), but I hope everyone is staying as healthy at all possible. Thank you for all of your prayers this last week. If you read my post from Thursday, you can get a fairly detailed summary of my wonderful week. But now we are faced with yet another Sunday which means another week of prayer requests. So here they go:
- This Tuesday I will be getting my exams back from last week. I know my scores won't change no matter how I did, Please just pray that I will be able to work with the scores that I get and pass the class.
- Please pray that Dalton's acid reflux medicine will start to work better and that his puking will mellow out a little bit more.
- Please pray that everyone will have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.
- Please pray that I will have patience as I try to buy a car. Pray that I will find the right one that will work best for me.
That's all that I have this week. Thanks again for all of your prays. Stay safe and healthy this week!
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